Call for participation in the national scientific conference:

Call for participation in the national scientific conference:

“The development of Albanian legislation in recent decades in the field of institutional-legal reform of the state, economic and social society and the problems encountered in the practice of the country.”

Conference date: May 23, 2024, Wisdom University College.

The conference will be organized by the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences of the “Wisdom” University College.

In addition to lecturers from the departments of law, economics and psychology of our college, referees from the teaching staff of universities and other similar colleges of the country, employees of legal institutions, lawyers, prosecutors, judges, experts in economics and social sciences, researchers are also invited. others of the country

Topics of the conference:

Improvement of the legislation in the field of public law for the reform of the legislative, executive and judicial power, prosecution bodies and local government. New legislation in the field of constitutional, administrative, financial law, etc

Improvement of legislation in the field of criminal law and related issues. Thoughts and ideas for further improvement. New provisions in the criminal code.
Improvement of legislation in the field of private law and related issues. Thoughts and ideas for further improvement. New provisions in labor law, family law, civil law, obligations, commercial and customs law, law of commercial companies.
Improvement of legislation in the field of human rights protection and related issues.

Reforming the legislation that sanctions the activities of lawyers, accounting experts, bailiffs, psychologists, etc.

Improvement of legislation in the field of property, improvement of Law 7501 regarding the distribution of the right to public agricultural land and related issues.
Improving legislation in the field of public procurement and related issues,

Improvements in the law on small business, the law on profit tax and income tax, reforming the tax system in Albania.

Important dates:

Abstract submission: until March 30, 2024

Notification of paper acceptance: 05 May 2024 (Conference papers will be published after their preliminary collection and evaluation by the scientific group). Conference languages: Albanian.

The conference is planned to take place in the auditorium.

Abstracts and works should be sent to the address: