Scientific Research and Foreign Relations

Dear students, colleagues, and partner universities or institutions:

The research-scientific activity and external relations at the “WISDOM” University College are organized and developed in accordance with the requirements of the law No. 80 / 2015 “On Higher Education and Scientific Research in HEIs in the Republic of Albania”. The “Wisdom” University College “performs basic or applied scientific research activities, studies, development projects and other creative activities, according to its nature and specific objectives. Scientific research activities are carried out on the basis of approved programs and projects. The Scientific Research Unit and Foreign Relations:
-promotes and supports initiatives in the field of scientific research between departments, as well as coordination with academic institutions, inside and outside the country;
– promotes the scientific research activity of the College, inside and outside the country;
– supports the partnership with other universities as well as promotes the development of academic staff and student mobility within national and international projects.