

The teaching secretary is an integral part of the educational process at “Wisdom” University College.

Its mission is to provide various services to all enrolled students who continue their university studies, as well as to those who have completed their studies and graduated.

The main tasks of the secretariat office are:
  1. The secretariat has the duty to carry out the secretariat’s organization correctly;
  2. To prepare the tables requested by the Ministry of Education or QSHA for the required information at the specified time.
  3. To implement the requirements of the Departments and the Dean for making available the list of students for each academic year.Entries in writing in the basic register, all data of students with matriculation number
  4. Notify students of any information that students need to know about the University.
  5. To have professional communication with the student and to be correct for every service to the student.
  6. Prepare the minutes with the names of the students and submit them to the K/secretary for signature, always after the Secretariat has signed. Then the Chief Secretary receives them.
  7. To perform the tasks given by the Chief Secretary.

Chief Secretary Valeter Meshi

  • 1. The Chief Secretary Organizes all the work in the secretariat, and is responsible for every document that comes out of the secretariat.

    2. The Chief Secretary is the only one authorized to enter students’ names in the register and grades.

    3. The chief secretary is responsible for the preparation of exam records and the only one who receives them from the lecturer after the exam.

    4. The Chief Secretary forwards all problems and complaints from the secretariat, in writing or electronically, to the Rector or other leaders of the University.

    5. The chief secretary always checks the secretariat’s document before it is sent or signed by the relevant bodies.

    6. The Chief Secretary is dependent on the Rector only from the Academic side, and from the Administrator from the administrative side.

    7. The Chief Secretary maintains correspondence with the institutions.